Academic Publications

The following academic publications on health and migrant workers have been authored by members of our Expert Working Group.

Caxaj, C. Susana, Maxwell Tran, Stephanie Mayell, Michelle Tew, Janet McLaughlin, Shail Rawal, Leah F. Vosko, and Donald Cole. (2022). "Migrant agricultural workers’ deaths in Ontario from January 2020 to June 2021: a qualitative descriptive study." International Journal for Equity in Health 21, no. 1: 1-17.

Caxaj, C. S. & Cohen, A. (2021). Relentless Border Walls: Challenges of Providing Services and Supports to Migrant Agricultural Workers in British Columbia. Canadian Ethnic Studies, 53(2), 41- 67.

Caxaj, C. S., & Cohen, A. (2021). Emerging best practices for supporting temporary migrant farmworkers in Western Canada. Health & Social Care in the Community, 29(1), 250-258.

Caxaj, C. S., Cohen, A., Buffam, B., & Oudshoorn, A. (2020). Borders and boundaries in the lives of migrant agricultural workers: Towards a more equitable health services approach. Witness: The Canadian Journal of Critical Nursing Discourse, 2(2), 92-103.

Caxaj, C. S., Cohen, A., & Marsden, S. (2020). Supports for migrant farmworkers: tensions in (in) access and (in) action. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, 14(2), 557.

Caxaj, C. S., & Cohen, A. (2019). “I Will Not Leave My Body Here”: Migrant Farmworkers’ Health and Safety Amidst a Climate of Coercion. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(15), 2643.

Caxaj, S., & Diaz, L. (2018). Migrant workers’(non) belonging in rural British Columbia, Canada: storied experiences of Marginal Living. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, 14(2), 208-220.

Chartrand, Tyler and Leah F. Vosko. (forthcoming, 2020). “Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker and International Mobility Programs: Charting Change and Continuity Among Source Countries.” International Migration Review.

Cohen, Amy and C. Susana Caxaj.(2022). A Lifeline in troubled waters: A support intervention for migrant farm workers. International Migration,

Cohen, A. & Caxaj, C. S. (2018) Bodies and Borders: Migrant women farmworkers and the struggle for sexual and reproductive justice in British Columbia, Canada. Alternate Routes (in press).

Cole, Donald, Janet McLaughlin, Jenna Hennebry, and Michelle Tew (2019). Precarious patients: health professionals’ perspectives on providing care to Mexican and Jamaican migrants in Canada’s Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program. Rural and Remote Health 19(4) · December.

Colindres, C., Cohen, A., & Caxaj, C. S. (2021). Migrant Agricultural Workers’ Health, Safety and Access to Protections: A Descriptive Survey Identifying Structural Gaps and Vulnerabilities in the Interior of British Columbia, Canada. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(7), 3696.

Díaz Mendiburo, Aaraon, Lyn Andre, McLaughlin, Janet, Vasilevska, Biljana, Wells Don (2017). Sacrificing of the Family for the Family: Impacts of Repeated Separations on Temporary Foreign Workers in Canada. Precarious Employment. Stephanie Procyk, Wayne Lewchuk and John Shields (eds), Fernwood. 

Diaz, Aaraon and Janet McLaughlin (2016). Vulnerabilidad Estructural y Salud en los Trabajadores Agrícolas Temporales en Canadá (Structural Vulnerability and Health among Temporary Agricultural Workers in Canada). Revista Alteridades. 26(51):83-93.

Haley, Ella, Susana Caxaj, Glynis George, Jenna L. Hennebry, Eliseo Martell, and Janet McLaughlin (2020). Migrant Farmworkers Face Heightened Vulnerabilities During COVID-19. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development.

Hennebry, Jenna (2014). "Falling through the cracks? Migrant workers and the Global Social Protection Floor." Global Social Policy 14, no. 3: 369-388.

Hennebry, Jenna, Janet McLaughlin and Kerry Preibisch (2016). ‘Out of the Loop’: (In)access to Health Care for Migrant Workers in Canada. Journal of International Migration and Integration (JIMI); 17(2): pp. 521-38.

Hennebry, Jenna and Janet McLaughlin (2012). The Exception that Proves the Rule: Structural Vulnerability, Health Risks and Consequences for Temporary Migrant Farmworkers in Canada. Chapter in Legislated Inequality: Canada's Temporary Migrant Worker Program. Christine Hughes and Patti Lenard (eds.), McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp.117-138.

Huesca, Eduardo, Leonor Cedillo, Cynthia Mora, Stephanie Mayell, Mavra Qamar, Calum Thompson, Taina Roberts, and Christine Khalil. (2022). “Mental Health & Psychosocial Supports for International Agricultural Workers in Ontario.” Report prepared by the Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers (OHCOW), submitted to the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) on April 25.

Latham, Robert, Leah F. Vosko, Valerie Preston and Melisa Breton. (2014). “Challenges to Liberating Temporariness: Imagining Alternatives to Permanence as a Pathway for Social Inclusion,” in Vosko, Leah F., Valerie Preston and Robert Latham (eds.), Liberating Temporariness?: Migration, Work and Citizenship in an Age of Insecurity. McGill-Queen’s University Press: Montreal and Kingston.

Marsden, Sarah, Eric Tucker and Leah F. Vosko. “Federal Enforcement of Migrant Workers' Labour Rights in Canada: A Research Report.” (available at:

Marsden, Sarah, Eric Tucker and Leah F. Vosko. (forthcoming, 2020). "The Trilemma of Canadian Migrant Worker Policy: Facilitating Employer Access while Protecting the Canadian Labour Market and Addressing Migrant Worker Exploitation?" in Dauvergne, Catherine (ed.), Research Handbook on the Law and Politics of Migration. Edward Elgar Press.

Mayell, Stephanie and Janet McLaughlin (2016). Migrating to Work at What Cost?: The Cumulative Health Consequences of Contemporary Labour Migration. Handbook of Migration and Health, Felicity Thomas (ed.), Edward ElgarPublishing, 230-52.

McLaughlin, Janet (2017). Strengthening the Backbone: Local Food, Foreign Labour and Social Justice. Nourishing Communities: From Fractured Food Systems to Transformative Pathways. Irena Knezevic, Charles Levkoe, Phil Mount, Erin Nelson and Alison Blay-Palmer (eds.), Springer, 23-40.

McLaughlin, Janet (2013). The Hands behind the Harvest: Migrant Workers in Niagara’s Wine Industry. Chapter in The World of Niagara Wine. Michael Ripmeester, and Phillip Gordon Mackintosh (eds.), Wilfrid Laurier University Press, pp. 109-123.

McLaughlin, Janet (2010). Determinants of Health of Migrant Farm Workers in Canada. Health Policy Research Bulletin 17: 30-21.

McLaughlin, Janet and Jenna Hennebry (2015). Managed into the Margins: Examining Citizenship and Human Rights of Migrant Workers in Canada. Chapter in The Human Right to Citizenship:  A Slippery Concept. Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann and Margaret Walton-Roberts (eds.), University of Pennsylvania Press, pp. 176-90.

McLaughlin, Janet and Jenna Hennebry (2013). Pathways to Precarity: Structural Vulnerabilities and Lived Consequences for Migrant Farmworkers in Canada. Chapter in Producing and Negotiating Non-Citizenship: Precarious Legal Status in Canada, Luin Goldring and Patricia Landolt (eds.), University of Toronto Press, pp.175-94.

McLaughlin, Janet, Jenna Hennebry and Ted Haines (2014). Paper versus Practice: Occupational Health and Safety Protections and Realities for Temporary Foreign Agricultural Workers in Ontario. Pistes: Interdisciplinary Journal of Work and Health 16(2): 2-17.

McLaughlin, Janet and Michelle Tew (2018). Migrant Farm Worker Health Care: Unique Strategies for a Unique Population. Under-Served: Health Determinants of Indigenous, Inner-City, and Migrant Populations in Canada. Neil Arya and Thomas Piggott (eds.), Scholars’ Press: pp. 553-264.

McLaughlin, Janet, Michelle Tew and Eduardo Huesca (2018). Compounded Vulnerabilities and Creative Strategies: Occupational Health of Temporary Foreign Agricultural Workers. Stephanie Premji, Ed. Sick and Tired: Health and Safety Inequalities. Fernwood.

McLaughlin, Janet, Don Wells, Aaraón Díaz Mendiburo, André Lyn and Biljana Vasilevska (2017). ‘Temporary Workers’, Temporary Fathers: Transnational Family Impacts of Canada’s Seasonal Agricultural Workers’ Program. Relations Industrielles 72(4) : 682-709.

Narushima, Miya, Janet McLaughlin and Jackie Barrett-Greene (2016). Needs and Risks in Sexual Health among Temporary Foreign Migrant Farmworkers in Canada: A Pilot Study with Mexican and Caribbean Workers. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 18(2):374-81.

Orkin, Aaron, Morgan Lay, Janet McLaughlin, Michael Schwandt and Donald Cole (2014). Medical Repatriation of Migrant Farm Workers in Ontario: Coding and Descriptive Analysis. Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) Open. 2(3): E192-E198.

Pysklywec, Mike, Janet McLaughlin, Michelle Tew and Ted Haines (2011). Doctors Within Borders: Meeting the Health Care Needs of Migrant Farm Workers in Canada. Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) 183(9): 1039-1043.

Perras Saint-Jean, G., Chantal Robillard, Janet McLaughlin, and Donald Cole (2019). Gardiennes du secret : pourquoi les intervenantes sont confinées dans le rôle de confidentes des travailleuses étrangères abuses. (Guardians of Secrecy: Why Practitioners are Confined to the Role of Confidants of Abused Foreign Workers.) In Travail, exploitations et servitudes contemporaines dans les Amériques (Work, Operations and Contemporary Servitudes in the Americas), Pantaleon, J & Martig, A. (eds.), University of Rennes Press: pp. 229-256.

Rajkumar, Deepa, Laurel Berkowitz, Leah F. Vosko, Valerie Preston and Robert Latham (2012). “At the Temporary-Permanent Divide: How Canada Produces Temporariness and Makes Citizens through its Security, Work, and Settlement Policies.” Citizenship Studies. 16(3-4) 483-510.

Robillard, Chantal, Janet McLaughlin, Donald Cole, Biljana Vasilevska, and Richard Gendron (2018). “Caught in the Same Webs”: Service Providers’ Insights on Gender-based and Structural Violence among Female Temporary Foreign Workers in Canada. Journal of International Migration and Integration 19 (3): 583-606.

Vosko, Leah F. (2019). Disrupting Deportability: Transnational Workers Organize. Ithaca: Cornell University Press (ILR Imprint).

Vosko, Leah F. (2018). “Legal but Deportable: Institutionalized Deportability and the Limits of Collective Bargaining among Participants in Canada’s Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program.” ILR Review Special Issue on The Impact of Immigrant Legalization Initiatives: International Perspectives. 71(4), 882-907. DOI:10.1177/0019793918756055.

Vosko, Leah F. (2016). “Blacklisting as a Modality of Deportability: Mexico’s Response to Circular Migrant Agricultural Workers’ Pursuit of Collective Bargaining Rights in British Columbia, Canada.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 42(8) 1371-1387. DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2015.1111134

Vosko, Leah F. (2014). “Tenuously Unionized: Temporary Migrant Workers and the Limits of Formal Mechanisms Designed to Promote Collective Bargaining in British Columbia, Canada.” Industrial Law Journal. 43(4) 451-84.

Vosko, Leah F. (2013). “National Sovereignty and Transnational Labour: the case of Mexican seasonal agricultural workers in British Columbia, Canada.” Industrial Relations Journal. 56(44) 514–532.

Vosko, Leah F. (2011). “Out of the Shadows? The Non-Binding Multilateral Framework on Migration (2006) and Prospects for Forging Global Labour Market Membership through International Labour Regulation,” in Davidov, Guy and Brian Langille (eds.), The Idea of Labour Law. London, Hart Publishing: 365-384.

Vosko, Leah F. (2010). Managing the Margins: Gender, Citizenship and the International Regulation of Precarious Employment. (Politics and Business Series) Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Vosko, Leah F., Tanya Basok, Cynthia Spring, Guillermo Candiz and Glynis George. (2022). “Understanding Migrant Farmworkers’ Health and Well-Being during the Global COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada: Toward a Transnational Conceptualization of Employment Strain.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, no. 14: 8574.  

Vosko, Leah F., Eric Tucker and Rebecca M. Casey. (2019). “Enforcing Employment Standards for Migrant Agricultural Workers in Ontario: Exposing Underexplored Layers of Vulnerability.” International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations 35(2) 227-254.

Vosko, Leah F., Valerie Preston and Robert Latham (eds.). (2014). Liberating Temporariness?: Migration, Work and Citizenship in an Age of Insecurity. McGill-Queen’s University Press: Montreal and Kingston.